Thriving for Survivors: Transitional Housing
We’ve all heard about (or experienced) the extreme housing scarcity in the Methow. As the Housing Solutions Network has stated, addressing this issue causes all of us to think differently about how we live. Individuals and community groups are coming together with creative strategies for how to use spaces - homes, extra buildings, lots - for local and accessible housing. Recently, one group came together to convert a five bedroom home into a Haven for women and children needing a stable place to land. In this private location, kids can play in the fenced yard, mothers can cook in an open kitchen, and everyone gets their own room. The community group responsible for access to a transitional home is seeking donations to help keep resident costs low, and has requested donations be directed to the Room One Family Support or Domestic Violence Support funds. Our advocates often work alongside many families who are doing their best to move beyond surviving to self-sufficiency and a sense of belonging.