Our Programs
To ensure our community has access to safety net programs, pathways to self-determination, and crisis support, Room One and its partners provide a wide range of social and health services under one roof, as close to home as possible.
One Stop Support Center
Our Advocates work with you to address a wide variety of needs, providing wraparound services and referrals through an advocacy-based model of support.
Read more about the One Stop Support Center HERE.

Okanogan Healthy Youth
We support youth resiliency through comprehensive sex education, healthy relationship classes, leadership programming, and advocacy for youth friendly systems.
Find out more about our Okanogan Healthy Youth Programs HERE.

Youth Housing Support
We provide wrap around case management, support services, and housing navigation to meet the unique needs of the youth and young adults (12-24) experiencing housing instability in our rural valley.
Get more information about our Youth Homelessness Services HERE.