Emergency Medical and Mental Health needs can arise quickly and sometimes without warning. If you or someone you know are experiencing a crisis of any kind please call
911 or 1-866-826-6191 (OBHC crisis line)
If you are dealing with the aftermath of a crisis and need help navigating your options feel free to get in touch with us at Room One.
Featured Resources
Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare
Okanogan Long-Term Recovery Group
Provides coordination and recovery services to those individuals, families, businesses and communities that were adversely impacted by wildfires and mudslides across Okanogan County.
Okanogan Emergency Management
Protects communities by coordinating and integrating all activities necessary to recover from threatened or actual natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or other man-made disasters.
Okanogan Conservation District
Provides a clearing house for landowners to report natural resource and agricultural infrastructure damage and post-fire resource concerns.
Methow Ready
Program of Aero Methow, helps ensure the Methow Valley community is prepared for a disaster.
Methow Conservancy
Mission is to “Inspire people to care for the land of the Methow Valley.”
American Red Cross
Provides food, clothing and emergency funds to victims of natural disasters. Hotel/motel rooms for up to 3 days are available for those in need.
Clean Air Methow
Clean Air Methow is a project of MVCC and has a year-round air quality program focusing on serving the community’s needs and questions related to air quality; providing solutions to improve air quality where possible; and activity promoting a sustainably clean airshed and breathing room for everyone.