Staff and Volunteers
We come from many different backgrounds, experiences, and skills but one common theme that connects us, is how much our work brings us joy.

Stephanie Foster (she/her) - Client Advocate; Food Access Program Co-Lead
What brings me joy in my work is assisting others to navigate complex systems to allow for more ease in their lives. I enjoy building connections with community members to contribute to a more joyful, healthy community for all.

Sarah Washam (she/her) - Family Advocate and Youth Counselor
I find joy in helping people realize their full potential and find ease in order to live their best life.

Maureen Collins (she/her) - Client Advocate
The joy I find in this work isn't just about helping people, it's about the meaningful connections, watching people light up when they realize there is a path through a challenge. It's the tenderness when people feel seen and heard. When people express their gratitude for the support, I like to say "thank you for showing up" because we can't help unless you ask.

Lori Valentine (she/her/ella) - Client Advocate; Food Access Program Co-Lead
I find joy in honoring people’s connection to the earth. It is a powerful thing to witness how that connection can bring about a great deal of healing through activities like working together in a community garden, cooking and preparing the food that is gathered, and sharing in simple meals.

Mallory Conner (she/her) - Finance & HR Manager
Aside from the joy of helping to keep Room One running smoothly and on solid financial ground, it brings me joy to be working alongside so many wonderful people who are showing up in the most amazing ways for people in the Methow Valley. I feel so lucky to be part of this team!

Jess Russell (she/her) - Advocacy & Communications Lead
I find a great deal of joy in seeing things in people that they can't see in themselves. When someone is able to get a glimpse of how valuable they are to the space they're in and to the people who occupy that space with them, it's magic.

Kelly Edwards (she/her/ella) - Managing Director
It brings me tremendous joy to support others in rising to their best and witnessing the fullness and diversity of everyone's unique strengths. It is a privilege to do this work at Room One where we each have such daily opportunities to connect with community. Nothing is more joyful than working as a team toward meaningful change.

Erin Flahive (she/her) - One Stop Support Center Manager
I find joy working within this community - witnessing the care our neighbors show for each other and the collective's ability to find solutions to issues that matter to the community.

Casey Peplow (she/her) - Bilingual Client Advocate
All of the staff who work here have amazing laughs. The sound of laughter echoing through the hallway never fails to bring me joy! In the work that I do, helping others find community and feel a sense of belonging is really rewarding.

Ronda Smeltzer (she/her) - Host Home Coordinator; Harm Reduction Program Co-Lead
Having the opportunity to be working alongside so many wonderful, genuine, humans is the greatest feeling in the world. And knowing that my presence in this team is making a difference in other peoples lives in this wonderful community is the absolute definition of joy.

Shannon Russell (she/her) - Okanogan Healthy Youth Lead
Having once been a young person in the Methow Valley, I understand what a special place this can be for a child to call home. It brings me joy knowing that the work that I get to do with the Room One team will help create a safe and affirming community for many generations of Methow Valley-ins to grow up in!

Carrie Port (she/her) - Youth Housing Case Manager
This work brings me joy because:
I feel like I can have a positive impact on the marginalized youth in the Methow Valley. Having spent so many years in the Criminal Justice System I am excited to face the challenges alongside our youth to guide them towards a positive and rewarding future. Having grown up in the Methow I see it as an opportunity to give back to the community I love.
Room One as a whole recognizes the value of our community and the hard working staff members! This too brings me joy!

Kat Goering (she/her) - Executive Director
I experience so much joy in the relationship building that happens every day in Room One, whether that is between community members, staff or the board. I feel so fortunate to be a part of a team and community that is so deeply committed to one another.

Olivia Wareham (she/her) - Food Access Ambassador
You can find Olivia every Saturday from 9-12pm at the Methow Valley Farmers Market!
We are so grateful for the many people who volunteer countless hours to help our organization run smoothly. We want to give a special thanks to these community members who have been supporting our operations for many hours and years. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Jack McLeod - Front Desk

Sam Owen - Front Desk

Rumi - Therapy Dog and Lunch Monitor

Darlene Sallee - Front Desk

Unitarian Baby Item Exchange Volunteers

Leeanne Ferlito - Front Desk

York Marble - Front Desk