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Welcome & Bienvenidos!

Room One is a multifaceted social service organization located in the Methow Valley, Okanogan County. We provide a wide range of services and programming including one-on-one supports and resource connections, educational programs in the schools, support groups, advocacy and more. Take a look at our program pages or explore our resources listings. We hope to meet you soon.

Room One is a community voice, powerfully advocating for the health and well-being of all people living in the Methow Valley.

This is the Methow Valley!

There is something truly beautiful about a community that shows up again and again to ensure that everyone is taken care of and that those living here have what they need.
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Vote NO on I-2109

At Room One, we see every day what a difference accessible childcare makes to working families. We see people making impossible choices, between paying medical bills or putting food on the table.
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Speaking of feeling "at home"...

There is an increasing urgency and focus on youth mental health promotion and substance use prevention across our health systems and governmental agencies.
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Youth Housing Support