Youth Housing Support

Speaking of feeling "at home"...

There is an increasing urgency and focus on youth mental health promotion and substance use prevention across our health systems and governmental agencies. Policy codesign is a participatory creative process to help people in communities learn from each other and explore local policy solutions for complex issues. In Okanogan County, the UW CoLab for Community & Behavioral Health Policy are bringing together those with experience to share about the current state of youth mental health and substance use. Room One is participating in the year-long process, along with OBHC, FYRE, County Juvenile Justice, and from the Colville Tribes. As the designers explore possibilities with young people from across the county, along with agencies who support them, we are envisioning a rural county where young people feel they belong. Results from the first exploratory phase will be shared over the fall and winter, leading into health promotion pilots sometime in the spring. Our youth advisors have shared that two of their biggest concerns for young people today are mental health and substance use, so this codesign could not have come at a more opportune time. Stay tuned to hear how this will continue to shape the future of our county!