Mental Health Sym Table

Raising a Tween or Teen? We got you!

Room One and the Methow Valley School District teamed up to hold a mental health symposium about the healthy growth and development of teen and tween girls.

Earlier this month, Room One and the Methow Valley School District teamed up to hold a mental health symposium about the healthy growth and development of teen and tween girls.

Dea Luvon, a former Room One MSW intern, presented on the physiological and mental health changes that young girls go through during puberty, and other local mental health professionals were on hand to lead small group discussions and answer questions. Over 30 parents and guardians showed up ready to share and learn from each other, and Room One provided infographics to guide parents through tough conversations like sexual health or substance use. We anticipate offering workshops for parents on specific topics each quarter - stay tuned.