Homeless Stats2024

Are people homeless in this valley? The answer: Yes.

Okanogan County participates in a statewide count of homeless individuals each year taking place over just 1-5 days in January.

Okanogan County participates in a statewide count of homeless individuals each year taking place over just 1-5 days in January. Room One took the lead in our area with the help of The Cove, Aero Methow, and the Methow Valley School District. While the county results will not be available for several months, here is a summary of information of the 29 households (35 people total) that we spoke with in the Methow Valley:

* 8 youths were housing unstable

* 10 adults identified living in homes without access to water, electricity, restroom, ability to bathe

* 2 adults identified living "out of doors" such as a tent

* 5 adults identified living in their vehicle

* 6 adults identified living in a RV without access to water, electricity, restroom, ability to bathe

* 6 adults are temporarily living with family and friends

Some individuals had been unhoused for months to years or bouncing around (couch surfing) until they found a better housing option. It can take quite a bit to get into a rental - with first and last month’s rent, and a deposit, often required up front. People find creative ways to keep their place, either by selling belongings, accessing family if they have any, working under the table if they can, or remaining in an unsafe situation to maintain shelter. Room One supports people in navigating low-income apartment applications and with some rental assistance or deposit support when it helps get someone housed.