House Illustration


Housing in the Methow valley, and the county at large, has become increasingly more difficult to obtain and keep. If you are a youth or young adult ages 12-24 please see our Youth Homelessness Program Page or complete this short, confidential form and someone will get back to you soon.

Youth Housing Needs Form

Adults can access support from Room One in the form of referrals to local housing services, financial assistance for qualified people, or getting help navigating local housing resources.

Adults can also click on the link below to access Okanogan Community Action Council's Housing Assistance Application

County Housing Application for Assistance

Methow Housing Trust

Develops and preserves affordable, quality housing for residents of the Methow Valley. Offers affordable homeownership opportunities to income eligible Methow residents.

Income-Based Apartments

The Housing Authority of Okanogan County manages Section 8 low income housing vouchers and income based apartments throughout the county. Resources are available for those who are income eligible, including families with children, people living with disabilities, single parents, and senior citizens. Applications also available at Room One in Twisp.

Chelan Valley Hope

A hub for community connections and resources. Helps Individuals and families in crisis access basic needs like food, transportation, utilities, rent, clothing, emergency shelter, and other social and health services.

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