Income-Based Apartments-Affordable Housing

The Housing Authority of Okanogan County manages Section 8 low income housing vouchers and income based apartments throughout the county. Resources are available for those who are income eligible, including families with children, people living with disabilities, single parents, and senior citizens. Applications also available at Room One in Twisp.

Cedarwood Apartments

1(509) 996-2201
PO Box 236 Twisp
220 White Avenue
Winthrop, WA 98862

Riverview Apartments

1(509) 997-5440
PO Box 236 Twisp
401 East 2nd Ave
Twisp, WA 98856

Twisp Garden Apartments

1(509) 997-7962
PO Box 1306
Omak, WA 98841
500 East 2nd Avenue
Twisp, WA 98856

Whispering Rivers Apartments

1(509) 997-0099
PO Box 1111 Twisp
209 Canyon Street
Twisp, WA 98856

Contact Housing Authority of Okanogan:

1(509) 422-3721
1(509) 422-1713 - Fax

431 5th Avenue West
PO Box 1306
Omak, WA 98841

Applications also available at Room One in Twisp:

1(509) 997-2050
1 (509) 842-3547- Fax

315 Lincoln Street S.
Twisp, WA 98856

Website: Income-Based Apartments - Affordable Housing

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Oroville Housing Authority

Provides temporary winter shelter November through April for $7/night; subsidized housing available for elderly, disabled clients. Provides seasonal housing for migrant farmworkers April through November.

Methow Housing Trust

Develops and preserves affordable, quality housing for residents of the Methow Valley. Offers affordable homeownership opportunities to income eligible Methow residents.
More Resources