OHY 5 Year Celebration

Wrapping up five years of teen pregnancy prevention

Okanogan Healthy Youth (OHY) Co-Lead, Caitlin Cordell, presented the Five Year Report on our federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention grant to current and past OHY staff, board, and stakeholders. The report tracks five years of relationship building with school districts all around the county, teacher trainings in healthy relationships and sexual health education, girls groups focusing on healthy relationships and peer education, and powerful stories from our Youth Leadership Council (see more below). In attendance were: Madeline Lee James, Ellen Dungy, Charlene Burns, Teresa Castner, Leeanne Montoya, David Ebenger, Lisa Turner, Mady Sandoval, Adrianne Moore, Elana Mainer, Kelly Edwards, and Keri Moore. It was great to hear from the history holders on the work that was done early on and to share all the successes that this initiative has accomplished in five years. When OHY came into being the county teen pregnancy rate was 1 in 20. In 2020 it is 1 in 31. The report is now available on our website.