Homesharing Within Reach
Methow at Home has partnered with the national organization SilverNest to make it safe and easy to get matched with an excellent renter in an unused part of your home.
Homesharing Within ReachMethow at Home has partnered with the national organization SilverNest to make it safe and easy to get matched with an excellent renter in an unused part of your home. This homeshare program started as a way to help elders age in place by renting a room in their home, or space on their property, they no longer use to someone who needs housing and can often help with harder-to-do chores around the house and property. Just like Room One's Host Home program for youth and young adults, the Silvernest matching process can be tailored to the home owners unique needs. Need the space back at the holidays when your adult children come home? No problem - just make those expectations clear. Need help with firewood and snow management, and are willing to offer a reduced rent in exchange? Fantastic - local workers need a place to rent that is less than the too-high market rate and are willing to put some labor into your place in exchange. See the website for more details on how to sign up or contact Deidre Cassidy at Methow At Home with questions. |